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Road Scholar: Kansas City, Missouri - Baseball, Barbecue & Jazz
After four hours of rolling past the farms and vineyards of central Missouri, I pulled into a parking lot in Kansas City, about two...

Road Scholar: Nashua, New Hampshire – Integrated Baseball with the 1946 Nashua Dodgers
New England does a fine job of preserving its history and landmarks, especially ballparks. Baseball’s roots run deep in New England, to...
'Art' can't be found in animosity
The latest issue of Smithsonian magazine arrived a few weeks back, sprinkled with several pieces of interesting writing, as usual. One of...

Living HBCU Baseball History with Ralph Garr and George Altman
One of the many things I love about these profiles I’m privileged to write for BlackCollege Nines is the honesty in these stories. I’m...

About as close as I get to playing jazz
Where I grew up, jazz was a rumor, a footnote in our schools' history books. Nobody I knew actually listened to it. Or talked about it....

Living HBCU Baseball History with The Legends – James Robinson of North Carolina A&T
In my ongoing work with the website Black College Nines, I have the privilege of connecting with former baseball players who played at...

Tired of your town? Call it by its maiden name.
Wisdom came when I scheduled a home delivery from Sears, before they closed all their stores, of course. After asking for my address and...

Accidental Abstraction: Images of Italy
It was around this time of year. I lived in Tennessee, a couple of months after graduating college, not knowing what I was or would be...

Harvesting Ice and Discovering the Forgotten
Deep in the New Hampshire woods, though not too deep because it's a quick turn off Highway 16, there's a small cottage with a handful of...

Black History Month Tribute To My Favorite College Professor
February brings out all manner of stories and history related to the African-American experience. But as my friend, Anthony, put it the...
Occasionalities: Blog
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